Today, after Laura's basketball practice, and after Laura's piano contest, we went to Elm Creek Park Reserve to go tubing with Jennifer, Brian, Damon, Angie, Jason, and Colin (Baby Justin came too, but no, he didn't get to go tubing. And Laura was happy to hear that we have absolutely nothing going on tomorrow). Today was the perfect day to go, because it was really warm at first, which melted the top of the snow, and then it cooled off when the sun started to set. The snow quickly got a gloss of ice, and we found out that icy hills make for fast and fun tubing!
The tubing kids: Karl, Colin, Laura, and Damon
This is Jason, Angie, and Colin going down the hill. Notice Jason holding a video camera.
This is a picture of us at the end of a run. We quickly discovered that linking tubes makes you go even faster, and at one point we had eight tubes linked together!
Needless to say, it was an exhausting day, but super fun. Both kids are sleeping hard right now, no doubt dreaming of another trip to the tubing hills!