Monday, April 16, 2012

Matt ❤ Cats

Well, at least our cat. He tends to like only children and animals that he lives with or is related to. IMG_3774

Pippa is certainly a little princess. She sits on the bathtub and meows until I turn it on for her so she can get a drink of fresh water.IMG_3764

She also likes to bask in the sun. Don't you just want to rub that tummy?IMG_3759

This is my bathroom fan club. I had more privacy when my children were small! These two seriously follow me wherever I go. IMG_3766

Ok, I will lay off the Pippa pics for a while.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dogs and Cats, Living Together!

IMG_3722Mass hysteria!

Easter 2012

Decorating Easter eggs somehow fell off my radar this year, and when I realized it was too late to do it, I rationalized my omission by assuming the kids would not miss it. Wrong. Mom-of-the-year that I am, we somehow managed to decorate eggs at 9:00 the night before. AND it was fun!

Even though they were up late, these adorable springy kids made it to the 8 am church service. Laura has graduated out of the cute flouncy Easter dresses and into silky (comfier) ones, but even though this dress didn't have any scratchy tulle, she still insisted on changing the second she got home. Our Easter guests missed out on the fanciness, but at least I got a picture.

The one time all these boys were seated at the same time. Wyatt, Damon, Justin, Karl, and Colin.

After dinner we had an Easter egg hunt outside! You don't see that every year in Minnesota!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Lundgren Houses of the Past

Today when Matt and I were driving on Highway 100 to get to St. Louis Park, we decided to stop off on Brooklyn Boulevard and look at the houses my parents lived in before they moved to beautiful Chisago County. I'm happy to report that all the neighborhoods we saw were neat and well-kept, especially on Girard and O'Henry Road.

Here is the famous "house on Girard."

Here is Grandma Roiland's House. Unfortunately, the owners are trying to paint it an unsightly green color (and are only ¾ of the way there), but otherwise it looks the same. However, the yard seems to have shrunk significantly since I was a kid!

Here is the 3606 O'Henry Road house. When we stopped to take pictures, people were in the window looking at us so I went to the door to explain that my parents lived there 40 years ago. "Were they the ones with the four boys?" It turns out the people who bought it from my parents still live there! And, yes, there still is a well in the garage!

Pippa: "I'm going to sneak up on her and swipe that tasty carmel roll!"


Yay! Matt's 37!

Turning 37 is pretty anticlimactic, especially when it happens on a Monday. Poor Matt. I didn't even get around to posting about it until April. Way back on March 26, Matt got up early for his birthday carmel rolls before going back to bed when the kids got on the bus. The two of us had a nice lunch out, and for dinner he got pizza and (blah, I can hardly bear to type it) white cake with white frosting. Luckily there were several moments throughout the day that he was able to play on his birthday iPad 3. Happy Birthday Matt!IMG_3701