Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Happy 50th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

On Sunday, the whole Lundgren crew met in Stillwater to celebrate Mom and Dad's 50th anniversary. Although their actual big day was June 18th, Sunday was the day that everyone could all get together. We went on a paddleboat brunch cruise on the St. Croix River, and were lucky enough to have a gorgeous day.


Although there wasn't enough room to take a picture of the entire family, we did get a group photo of the original nine.

IMG_0632Dan, Jennifer, Bryan, Angie, Mom, Jim, Dad, Mike, me

IMG_0553Here's my own little family inside the boat.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Time to Fly 2010

Today we met the Elliotts at Harriet Island in St. Paul to run the Time to Fly race, which is a benefit to raise money for childhood cancer research. Even though it was quite hot and sticky, we all ran well, and I even beat my PR for the 5K by a minute! In fact, I finished 11th out of 300 women (since my running abilities are very hard won, I have to brag whenever I can)!

Jason and I ran the 5K, and Laura, Karl, and Colin ran the kids' 1K.



At the starting line.


This was at the beginning of the run. It's nice running a race with Jason. You just tell him what your goal pace is, and that's how fast he'll go...and he never slows down...even when you just want to stop...


This is at the end of the race. I didn't have the energy to move my eyeballs to look over at our cheering fans, but at least I knew they were there. And I stayed with Jason (or rather, he stayed with me) and we had a great finish!


This is how shameless I am.

Next was the kids' race. All three kids ran great races. I mean, just look how happy Laura is to be healthy and strong enough to run a 1k!


Karl coming in for his big finish. He told me he was going to run hard for all the kids who were sick with cancer. And he sure did!


I was standing at the last corner before the finish line when I spotted Colin running. When he heard me cheer him on, he put on his determined face and tore off to the end!


All the kids who finished the race got medals and giant koosh balls. Yay!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Karl's First T-Ball Game

Karl's very first T-ball game was tonight, and he had a blast!

Just like the rest of the family, Karl bats left-handed (I guess I'm the only normal one because I actually am left-handed!).


Waiting in the dugout.


Karl and his friend Nick goofing around on first base.


Heading for home.


Karl with his friends Brock and Nick


We found out that T-ball rules are very different from regular baseball rules, so we have no score or runs to report. It was super fun to watch Karl play though. That boy has some hustle!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Twins vs. The Rockies

Karl was doing backflips and cartwheels when he found out he got to go with Matt and Steve to the Twins game on Wednesday night. It was their first visit to the new Target Field, and what made it even better was that the Twins won 2-1!


Laura and Aly Visit De Smet, SD

Last week, Pam took Laura and Aly on a road trip to De Smet, SD, to visit some Laura Ingalls Wilder historical sites. Laura reported that she had a great time, and couldn't think of a single favorite thing that they did, because she had fun everywhere!


Laura got to drive a team of horses!P6110034P6110037P6120089
A good road trip always includes swimming at a hotel.P6100001Parade bootyP6120067P6130105P6130103Why does it not surprise me to see a picture of Laura at Perkins? Laura also told me that she discovered IHOP on this trip (it seems the syrup possibilities in this world are endless!).P6130097

Monday, June 14, 2010

Plus Max Minus Laura

Penelope had a friend over this week when her cousin Max came to visit while Mike and Lamiae were in Canada. Max seemed to remember our house (and Penelope) and settled right in. It was a rainy week, and they couldn't play outside very much, but they seemed to have fun anyway.


They're kissing cousins!


This was the most common activity they did together:


Meanwhile, Laura was in South Dakota with Pam and Aly, so Karl was an only child for a few days. He decided he wanted to go to Nicholodean Universe at the Mall of America just like Laura did while he was gone.



Quick stop at the Lego store...



Monday, June 7, 2010

Guess Who Lost His First Tooth Last Night?


After a huge struggle, and with the help of woven dental floss (that I had gotten from the dentist and wondered, "who would ever use dental floss like this?" Now I know. It gets a good grip around a loose tooth so you can wiggle it really hard. Good thing I had saved it.), Karl, Matt, and I finally pulled Karl's first loose, (and stubborn) tooth out! Karl was very brave, and, ever the scientist, told us he was going to save all the teeth he loses. Laura and I had the same reaction. You can't see it, but he's holding his tooth in his hand. It's a very interesting specimen.

I had to fight back a few tears when we were taking this picture and Karl smiled his new toothy smile. It's one more milestone that we're going through for the last time. And you know what really made my heart break? I found this picture, when his bottom two baby teeth were brand new (and the only ones he had), taken when Karl was almost 11 months old.


You've come a long way since then, Karl. Congratulations, my little man!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Karl's Trip to South Dakota

Last Wednesday, Karl went with Pam and Fred to visit Steve, Megan, Nathan, and Kathryn in South Dakota for the last time. We sent a camera with him, and Karl took some great pictures.

On the way to Steve and Megan's, they drove through the badlands and stopped at Wall Drug.



When they got to Rapid City, Karl got to go inside a B1-Bomber.


So did Nathan.


Karl, Nathan, Steve, and Fred


You can't go to South Dakota without going to Mount Rushmore.


Pam and Fred


Karl had fun hanging out with Nathan. Here they are at the mammoth dig site.


Nathan showed Karl where all the cool playgrounds are.


Dinosaur Park


Karl also had fun with his baby cousin Kathryn.


Rapid City has lots of statues of Presidents, and Karl posed with several of them.


I'd say Karl had a pretty fun trip! He hasn't stopped talking about it since he's come home!