We went to the State Fair yesterday! Every year, we go to the State Fair on the Sunday of the Milk Run, and the kids have to get up super early and wait for me to run before they can actually start all the fair fun (even though I would say the race IS part of the fun!). This year, I was scheduled to work on Sunday, and, even though I could've gotten out of it, we decided to try going to the fair during the week. It would be great: we could leave when we wanted, the kids wouldn't have to wait for my run, and I wouldn't have to walk around the rest of the day all sweaty from running. I would actually get to wear makeup to the fair this year!
Then things started getting busy at work for Matt, and people were flying in from New York, and he had tons of important meetings, all of which overlapped our day at the fair. Suddenly I found myself having to take two kids to the busiest place on earth by myself! At least we were meeting the Elliotts, so I'd have help once we got there (but oh, how I fretted about getting there). Usually, we walk around with Angie and Jason for a while and then go off and do our own thing, but yesterday I told them I was sticking with them the whole time (we had to, since we ended up riding together)! We also met up with Dan, Peggy, and Wyatt, who also knew what a fantastic day it would be.
I will say that going on a Wednesday is much easier than going on Sunday, just because it's that less busy. There weren't many lines for anything, and the weather was absolutely perfect. The kids couldn't believe we could just get there and start walking around, without waiting through a long race (but they'd better not get used to it, because I plan to be back at the Milk Run next year...)
Cousins at the fair: Wyatt, Karl, Laura, Colin, and Justin

Karl was brave and went on the Space Tower for the first time, with Jason, Colin, and me. We could see both downtowns, and waved to Daddy in his Wells Fargo building in St. Paul.

All the kids went down the giant slide. Look how excited Laura was after her ride!

Wyatt, Peggy, Dan

Me, Colin, Justin, Angie, Karl, Laura

Laura loved getting ice cream from "Custard's Last Stand" (I often wonder how she knows these things). We sat across from the boys, who eat their ice cream very enthusiastically!

Obligatory scary ride picture! (Just to clarify: This was the first go-round for Laura on this ride, and she actually loved it by the end of the first turn. She went back on it at least once more. I just happened to capture her look of horror when it first started, and, well, the kids have earned a reputation of having looks of terror on the most benign rides, so I had to add this to the collection).

Overall, it was a great day, even though stinker Matt wasn't there. Ahhh, now school can begin!