We've officially had the snowiest December on record in Minnesota this year, which makes for a fabulously white Christmas! Although the Christmas Spirit has been in full gear around here pretty much since the kids' birthdays, yesterday was the start of the official Christmas festivities. After going to the 5:00 caroling service at church, we had dinner with Pam and Fred.

Pam brought a preview of the book she made of all the "cousin connection" events throughout the year. These outings were quite a hit with Laura and Karl (and I'm sure with Aly and Emily, too), so now Oma's on the hook for this coming year. And since Laura and Karl also love books like this, they'll be waiting for another version next year!

Our big gift event is always Christmas morning, but Laura and Karl decided to open their gifts to each other last night on Christmas Eve. Karl gave Laura a movie (if you ask Laura what she wants for her birthday or for Christmas, her answer has been, for years now, "books, movies, and pajamas"). Since Karl has an inside scoop on what books and movies she already owns, he has a big advantage...

Laura got Karl this humming elf!

Then it was time for a mini Christmas concert. Laura played the "Arabian Dance" from "The Nutcracker," and "Little Drummer Boy."

Karl played "Oh Come, Little Children." Then he showed off on the all the other tricky pieces he's working on.

The kids actually went to bed on time, and fell asleep really fast! Here is what the kids saw when they got up this morning. See that tall present on the right side for Karl? It's a bow and arrow! For the past YEAR, Karl has been saying he wants a toy bow and arrow. Do you know how tricky it is to find a toy bow and arrow? Last year he had asked for one and didn't get it. Big mistake. Let's just say that Santa's elves worked VERY hard on that one...

Look at how nice these children smile for the camera, even while their presents are waiting to be opened!

He still doesn't know he's getting a bow and arrow set at this point, but his other big gift wish was a Sudoku book. Woo Hoo!

After presents, it was carmel roll time! Matt and I are thrilled to give you this nice picture of how we look early in the morning.

Later, we went to the Elliotts' to celebrate with my family. Josh and Luke weren't there yet, but Laura was dying to get out of her dress and into some play clothes, so we took pictures right away. Karl, Colin, Justin, Laura.

Here's a groomed family picture.

Me, Angie (with a bow on Baby #3), Jennifer, Mom

While the adults ate delicious stuffed pork loin with white wine sauce...

...the kids were stuffing down Grandpa's cinnamon bread.

And then it was time for presents again!

It's tiring me out to think that this was just the start of our Christmas Extravaganza. We have a fun week ahead of us!