Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Damon Comes to Play

Last Friday Damon came to spend the day with us. It was a day full of basketball, football, and swimming!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just Look at this Beautiful Rose Bush!

Oh, and there's a pretty cute boy standing next to it. Why is he so happy you ask? Because he just got done running two-and-a-half miles (chatting the whole way, because he's one of THOSE people).

Father's Day 2011

Every year Matt's wish for father's day is that we don't host father's day. His other request is blueberry muffins for breakfast. Done and done!

For lunch we went to my parents' house, where Karl got to run around like a wild man with his cousins. I tried taking pictures, but for some reason the six boys did not want to stand still. I did get a good shot of Dad doing the grilling, though.

Later we went to Pam and Fred's. The four Minnesota cousins put on a splendid recital, and afterwards served a splendid dinner to their parents (what made it so splendid was that we didn't have to be in the kitchen supervising the prep work; these cousins can be wild too!). Unfortunately Emily didn't get the word that this was a barefoot occasion.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Yay for Summer Vacation!

Yesterday was the kids' last day of school, which means that summer started for them the second they stepped off the school bus (my summer started on June 1st, and Matt's started Memorial Day weekend; we all have our season rules in this family).

Incredibly enough, it was warm enough today to get out the Slip 'n Slide. Once the pool opens on Sunday, we'll be there every chance we get. The Slip 'n Slide, though, proved to be a good way to start summer vacation.