Last winter, whenever we told anyone we were going to Alabama in the spring, the inevitable follow-up question was, "Who do you know in Alabama?" Earlier this summer, whenever we told anyone we would be going to Detroit, it happened again: "Who do you know in Detroit?" This weekend we went to Matt's cousin's wedding in Detroit, and we had a great time!

Steve and Tanya were also there, so we got a nice brothers and sister shot.

The Mold siblings were there too, so we did the same thing with Barb, Craig, and Pam.

Matt with Greg, the groom.

Emily and Oma

Aly and Emily were my main dancing partners that night.

Not many people know this, but Steve can be quite inspirational for me. He's always been a very good influence...

I wish I had a picture of the groom AND bride, because Greg got really lucky to have such a great new wife!
P.S. The kids stayed at home with my parents. To see where they got to go, click