Halloween is near the bottom of our favorite holiday list, but Laura and Karl always make the most of it. This year, Laura had her heart set on being a cheetah, but it's very tricky trying to find a cheetah costume that fits a 5'1" girl. Luckily, Pam found some spotted fleece material and whipped up a cheetah costume for her. Karl was a giant Whoopie Cushion. He's seven. Enough said.

On Saturday, we went to a costume party at Lynn and Chad Buehrings'. Even though Laura and Karl are not into anything too creepy or scary, they did enjoy the mad scientist (Jim Schoolmeesters), who assembled a body with various "parts," like tongue, brains, intestines, etc.

Then they colored pumpkins.

Laura's cheetah pumpkin:

Karl made this one:

On Monday, the Elliotts, Jennifer and Brian, and Mom and Dad came over for some Halloween fun.

Even Penelope got in on the costumes! She enjoyed reliving her racing days.

All the boys went trick-or-treating, but Laura stayed home because she's "just not that into the whole candy thing." Maybe the cloudy 40° weather had something to do with it...