“If you don’t have a dog—at least one—there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.” —Vincent Van Gogh
Monday, January 30, 2012
Pencil Sharpeners are for Cowards
Here she is getting ready for action.
When her pencil broke in the third round, she simply worked out any math problems with the tiny nub of lead that she had. Others may be surprised, but I wasn't. I've seen her bring home math papers that she did in crayon. I wish I was kidding…
Way to go, Laura! Those kids in Pine City and Mora didn't stand a chance!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Super Speller
Here are the highlights, so you can see her in action:
Great job Laura! We had so much fun cheering for you!
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Saturday in Saint Paul
Deborah was busy today helping the PTO set up for an activity this evening, so the kids and I headed down to Saint Paul for an afternoon of activities without her.
First up, Karl was eager to do some ice skating at Landmark Center. Laura was not quite as excited, though last weekend she did some skating with Oma, Aly, and Emily and enjoyed herself.
Just like the last time we skated here, Karl seemed right at home on the ice…
Meanwhile, Laura and I stuck close together. I’m not a great skater, but together we had a good time.
Next, it was on to the Science Museum for the Omnitheater movie “Wolves.” It was a big hit with the kids—Laura called it her favorite Omnitheater movie yet.
We ended the afternoon at Laura‘s favorite downtown destination, the Saint Paul Central Library.
We were disappointed that Deborah couldn’t be with us, but we had a pretty fun day anyway.
Knowledge Bowl: Two for Two
Laura had her second Knowledge Bowl meet of the season on Thursday after school. And just like the first meet, she and her team took first place!
There are three rounds to each meet, and between the rounds the competitors relax in the cafeteria.
Here are the champs, hamming it up with their trophy.
Laura was very pleased that the next day her team photo was prominently placed in the “Friday Folder”—the newsletter sent home with every elementary student.
Keep up the great work, Laura!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Knowledge Bowl Super Star!
Laura was often the "go-to" person on the team for the right answer.
The proud winners! Way to go Laura!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Snow Tubing!
Justin’s collar bone is still on the mend, so Jason kept him at home. And Deborah woke up on Saturday morning feeling sick, so the whole crew didn’t make it out. But we still had a blast!
Here we are riding the “magic carpet” to the top of the hill.
This was taken after the last run of the day—Laura was so exhausted she couldn’t lift her head.
Thanks for meeting us on such short notice Angie and Colin.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Celebrating the Holidays with the Meissner Cousins
Emily, Nathan, Aly, and Karl quickly headed to the playroom at Pam and Fred's
The annual "pass the present" game is always a hit.
Since Kathryn stayed behind in Florida, Steve had to fill in. The kids loved calling him "Kathryn" during the whole game.
The two Meissner boys battle it out.
Aly and Laura
After presents, we had dinner, and after dinner, I had to cut into this incredibly crumbly, messy, chocolatey dessert. That tablecloth will never be the same…
We loved having Steve and Nathan in town, and we already miss Nathan's adorable Southern drawl and his spectacular dimples. We worked pretty hard to get him to elongate his "OHHHHs" but I don't think it stuck!
Monday, January 2, 2012
So Long 2011! 2012 is Here!
Colin, Laura, and Karl didn't waste any time getting in the pool.
After some swimming, it was time for a pizza break.
After more swimming, we went up to the rooms to PARTY! First we played Mad Libs. Thanks to Karl and Colin, the stories we came up with had lots of poopy toilet diaper subtexts. Then it was time for SORRY! By this time, Justin had made it back with his cute little sling.
After games, the kids settled in to watch "Rio." We wondered how long they would last (it was about 10:00)…
Meanwhile, I was partying like a rock star.
Guess what? All the kids were awake at midnight!
After a rough night (don't ask), it was back to the pool for more swimming. Even Baby Adam and one-armed Justin got in on the fun this time!
After we checked out of the hotel, we went to the Elliotts to watch the last Vikings game. Karl feels right at home there when football is on.
Happy New Year everyone!
Brown Christmas 2011
All of the Lundgren grandkids who were present were very cooperative for a picture (Thanks, Scott!), but unfortunately Baby Adam was asleep and missed the photo session. Colin, Justin, Laura, Karl, Wyatt, and Scott
Justin and Wyatt are the same age and are always best buds when they're together.
Aunt Carolyn, Laurie, Jennifer
Mom and Aunt Carolyn
This is what our tree looked like after the kids (finally) fell asleep.
This was the first year that Karl stayed up late and went to the 10:30pm candlelight service at church (Laura just wanted to go to bed so the two of us stayed home), so Christmas morning at 7:00 felt very early for this boy. I think he emptied his stocking while still asleep. He perked up when it came time for the big presents, though.
Here's a taste of how our Christmas morning went: