First we had lunch at Angie and Jason's. Here's the kids' table: Laura, Colin, Karl, and Damon.

After lunch we headed over the Eagle's Nest so the kids could burn off some energy. This is how they looked when we first got there:

This is how the boys looked after going full-bore for a couple hours:

Laura was better at pacing herself. She stopped midway to refuel with an ice cream sandwich.

On our way home, we had to get groceries at SuperTarget. Karl stopped in the Star Wars aisle to organize the wish list in his head.

Matt's 34th birthday was on Thursday. Somehow the tradition started in our family that we eat cake doughnuts with sprinkles for breakfast on birthdays. Since Laura had school, the birthday boy had to get up early so we could all eat our doughnuts together. (fun fact: Karl is the only morning person in our house. The rest of us are zombies when we get up, making it especially difficult to make school-day birthday breakfasts festive.)