Our family suffered a huge loss today when we had to let go of our beautiful greyhound girl Veronica. She had been steadily declining, but remained a lady until the very end. She would have been 11 years old this June.
We adopted Veronica, a.k.a. "Puppatariot," in April 2001 at the age of 2½, and brought her home the week I found out I was pregnant with Laura. Once at home with us, she quickly caught on to the life of a housedog with the help of her mentor, Laddie. When Laddie died in 2005, Veronica lost just a little bit of the twinkle in her eye. Veronica recently served as a big sister to our new greyhound Penelope, and set a very high bar for her to reach.
We are all missing her, but my heart is especially broken. She was mine.
Here is a link to her racing record.
This is our Christmas picture from December 2001, just before Laura was born, with Laddie, Veronica, and Harry the cat.

Here is the first video we ever made with our video camera, starring Laddie, Veronica, and Harry. Turn up the volume and enjoy.
1 comment:
What a beautiful memorial to Sweet Veronica, Laddie, and Harry. She was very precious and was so blessed to have you as her family. She was very special and may the many memories you have of her warm your heart.
I have learned that to have a dog is one of God's greatest gifts, for it is a love that is always there and most of all, unconditional. It gives us a little glimpse of heaven.
Lots of Love, Mom and Dad
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