Today we met Angie, Jason, Colin, and Justin at the Mall of America's indoor waterpark. Wow, was it fun! There was a huge kids' area, a wave pool, lazy river, hot tubs, and lots of water slides. Our favorite was the 10-story family raft ride, in which we all piled into one huge inner tube raft and went on a wild trip down to the bottom, screaming happily in Jason's ear the entire way. It wears you out, though--I don't think I've ever climbed so many steps in my life as I did today. On the way home, Karl finished the Dilly Bar he was eating, said, "I'm done," and promptly fell asleep (it took maybe 20 seconds--tops). Unfortunately we couldn't take pictures of the really fun stuff, since out camera would get wrecked, but we did the best we could...
The waterpark actually wasn't too busy, but we did get stuck in a brief logjam in the lazy river (actually it was a group of teenage boys who were trying to plow through, but we thought it was fun because it made us go faster!).
Karl and Colin warmed up for the big rides by going down the small rides in the kids' section.
Laura found out that she's much braver now when it comes to water rides. She had a blast going down one of the big inner tube slides, and decided that she just might be able to tackle the big waterslide at the Rush City pool this year!
Matt and Justin were the only two who stayed dry today, but they had fun watching all the action.
These kids will be sleeping quite well tonight!
It's almost 9:20. I'd say that's a respectable bedtime. (yawn) Good night.