Laura was a shoe-making elf. Here she is hammering on a shoe.

Playing piano in the talent show.

Laura told jokes from her famous knock-knock joke book.

Karl hung out with his friends during the show. They were the loudest laughers and clappers.

In my rush to get two kids ready for soccer tonight, I forgot my camera, so you'll all have to wait until next week for the big soccer post. Karl is especially excited for soccer because he's finally old enough to join a team! He played his heart out tonight, and even scored two goals! He couldn't stop talking about soccer all the way home. Soccer, soccer, soccer until he fell asleep in a lump, and is probably dreaming of soccer right at this very moment. Laura? Oh, she thought soccer was fine, but you know, it's not like piano lessons or anything...
That's awesome. I'm sure Laura stole the shows!
Laura you are quite the busy girl doing lots of fun activities. We loved all the cute pictures!
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