Saturday, July 18, 2009

Chisago County Fair

It's county fair time in Rush City, even though our weather makes it seem more like football season. Today we made the obligatory trip to the fairgrounds to look at the farm animals, eat corn dipped in a bucket of butter, and, for the first time ever, we let the kids ride on some of the creaky rides (usually we just say, "those rides are junky; we'll ride on the nice rides at the State Fair instead!" but that didn't work this year).


This is the latest installment of our project called "subjecting our children to the horrors of scary rides."

Later we met up with Pam, Fred, Tanya, Jeff, Aly, and Emily to watch the parade.

Then we had a candy picnic at Pam and Fred's house. Laura had to go home and brush her teeth after eating all that candy (good thing she got some toothpaste at the parade!). Actually, the kids didn't eat that much, but I ended up feeling sick with a belly full of Tootsie Rolls.

1 comment:

Megan Meissner said...

I love the scary ride pictures. They are hilarious. Keep 'em coming!