Thursday, October 1, 2009

Guitar Lessons for Karl

Karl was very excited this week when Matt brought home a new half-sized classical guitar for him, since he's been talking about wanting to play guitar "like Daddy, and Steve and Tanya." Today he met with Doug Smith, Matt's former guitar teacher, to see if he's ready for lessons. Doug was impressed with Karl's finger strength and ability to follow directions, so lessons will start right away next week!



Jason and Angie said...

Oh, that is so cute! Have fun learning to play the guitar, Karl!

Karl said...

Thank you! I will! Yesterday was really fun at guitar lessons. Daddy has been helping me practice, and I like it that he plays his guitar when I practice.

Martha said...

It's great you're learning to play the guitar, Karl! You'll have quite a few people to play with since your dad, uncle and aunt play the guitar to. Lady Haggerty