Sunday, July 18, 2010

Another Guthrie Playdate

On Saturday, I took the kids to Minneapolis for a Guthrie Playdate — the kids attend classes on acting, movement, and other theaterly stuff while the adults take in a play. But with Deborah working her first weekend at her new job, I saw "A Streetcar Named Desire" solo.


We had a bit of time to kill prior to check-in, so we checked out the Endless Bridge overlooking the Mississippi.


The big new discovery at the Guthrie this time was the fire escape underneath the seating area of the bridge. Karl explained exactly where to go in the event of a fire...


Then it was time to head inside to the most terrifying part of the day — the escalator. The Guthrie's escalator is three-stories tall, and as every worker has told us the half-dozen times we've been there, it is the longest escalator in Minnesota. No word on if it's also the narrowest, but I wouldn't doubt it. The kids are both a bit freaked out by it, and I don't really blame them. We took the stairs down after the show...


The kids reported that during the class they acted out a scene from the play, which kind of took me by surprise. Karl even got to wail "STELLA!" Thankfully, as the kids described it, the scene wasn't exactly like it is in the play...


Deborah said...

Well Matt, I'm so proud of you. Your first blog post! And look, I even made a comment (hint hint). Very nicely done. I'll be glad to share blogging duties with you :)

Megan Meissner said...

How exciting... a guest blogger!