Monday, May 23, 2011

GreyFest 2011

Karl, Penelope and I went to the annual greyhound festival on Saturday, where all the greyhound zealots gather to celebrate how cool greyhounds are (and to raise lots of money for Greyhound Pets of America, so people can keep discovering the joys of owning a retired racer). I was going to just take Penelope by myself because it was a rainy day and I'm the only one in the house who's dog-crazy enough to go, but at the last minute Karl decided to join us. And guess what? When we got there, it was sunny!

The greyhound festival is at a ranch with a huge fenced in area for the dogs to run loose. If you have your hound off-leash though, it has to be muzzled, which is why Penelope is sporting hers. She really didn't want to run around though. She just trotted up to random people and demanded to be pet. She finally found a shady spot next to her double, who even had a purple muzzle just like hers! Note: Penelope is on the right.

The local Boy Scout troop helped out at GreyFest, and as soon as Penelope found a couple who were not busy she quickly made her move.

Here we are waiting for the silent auction and raffle results. I won a 3-foot tall bronze greyhound statue and a garden gift basket. Matt was thrilled when I got home (I actually was!). I don't have a picture of my statue, so you'll just have to come over and see it for yourself (or just drive by; I have it up on the ledge by our staircase so you can see it through the window over our front door. It's absolutely lovely).

1 comment:

Megan Meissner said...

Oh, I just love Penelope!