The drive there was easy-peasy since the kids are both very good movie watchers and book readers. This picture was taken in Harris on the way to Wisconsin. I don't think those smiles ever left their faces the entire way there.

At last we made it to the Promised Land.

In an incredible stroke of bad luck, Laura got sick on the second day there. We knew something was wrong when she ate very little of the BEST BREAKFAST BUFFET I HAVE EVER SEEN. I mean, there were endless maple syrup possibilities, and this poor girl quietly said she wasn't very hungry. For breakfast. Her largest meal of the day. Then she said she was cold. Laura is never cold. I was not cold. I felt her forehead with my arm, and sure enough: fever. However, Laura's fever for waterslides was even stronger than her sick fever, and she insisted on going to water parks. She walked a little slower up the steps, and she lazed in the sun a little more than usual, but she carried on with nary a complaint.

The sun was warm, the water was warm, and there were very few people there. Perfection.

Matt tried to stay in the shade as much as possible but was a very good sport about being outside. With absolutely no Apple products.

Karl just made the most of wherever we went. This kid takes full advantage of all swimming pools, slides, hot tubs, and any other water-spilling amenity.

After a few hours that morning, Laura's energy had petered out. I have never, EVER, seen her look like this at a water park, and I knew I would need photographic proof or no one would believe it. Don't you just want to hug her?

Whenever anyone got tired, we would go back to the hotel room for a nap to recharge. Well, the kids and I needed rest and Matt needed to play with his iPad. He gets crabby if it's been too long.

And then we'd go back for more water fun. Luckily, Laura was feeling much better by the end of the day, and got to enjoy that awesome breakfast bar the next morning. We wore ourselves out during our 3-day Wisconsin Dells marathon, but it was a blast. I'm sure we'll be back!

1 comment:
It looks like water park heaven and a great way to end Summer vacation!
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