Monday, December 12, 2011

Laura turns the big 1-0!

Even though I am WAY too young to have a 10-year-old, Laura went ahead and had her tenth birthday last week. That little stinker...

We started off in the usual birthday style: a pile of presents and carmel rolls for breakfast.

Yes, I sometimes drink Diet Coke at breakfast. That is not gross!

After school, we went to IHOP, which is Laura's favorite restaurant in the world.

This past weekend, Laura had a sleepover party at the AmericInn, where she had a blast using her new swimming skills. Laura, Emily, Aly, Kyla

Aly, Laura, Emily, Kyla

We had dinner at Dairy Queen, came back to the hotel room, played board games, and then went back for more swimming.

The girls were lucky that they had the pool to themselves for much of the time. They were so tired out that when I turned off the lights at 10:30, I didn't hear a peep out of them until morning.

I hope you had a great birthday, Laura. Yay for 10!


Jason and Angie said...

Looks like it was a very fun birthday party! Happy birthday, Laura!

Karen said...

Ten already, I can hardly believe it. Looks like the perfect birthday party.

Love Grandma and Grandpa