Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Wyatt!

Today we made the big trek to Dan and Peggy's in Wisconsin, where we celebrated Wyatt's first birthday.

All seven Lundgren kids were there, so we HAD to take a picture of all of us before Jim had to leave for work.

Bryan, Jennifer, Dan, Angie, Mike, me, and Jim

Wyatt had a lot of fun trying to open his presents. His favorite part seemed to be tearing off big pieces of wrapping paper and walking around with them.

Dan gave us a tour of his garden, and when Karl was reminded that Dan keeps honeybees, we had to see the hives (Karl is very intrigued with bees and honey-making). We couldn't get too close because there's an electric fence around the hives to keep the bears away.

Wyatt and Justin are only a couple months apart, and as the youngest cousins, they're bound to be buddies.

Happy first birthday Wyatt!

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