Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fun/Sad Weekend

Sorry it's taken so long to post this, but my Vikings wounds were too fresh to do it any earlier...

On Saturday, it was Laura's turn to take a class at the Science Museum: "Secret Hiding Places." Now she knows some cool tricks to hide things from pesky little brothers. While Laura was in her class, Matt went to work again, and Karl and I hung out together.

First we went to the St. Paul public library. Karl wanted to know what all the fuss was about, after hearing Laura rhapsodize about it so much. He discovered they had his favorite football books there! (I chose this picture for his cute hat-hair.)

Then we went over the Science Museum to check out the dinosaurs, human body exhibits, and of course, the mummy. We also got to see an Omni movie about the Titanic.

On Sunday, we were all excited for the big game. Even Laura wore purple!

Pam and Fred came over and watched part of the game with us...the good part.

I probably don't have to tell you how we were feeling at the end of the night. Exhausted. Disappointed. Heartbroken. Poor Karl; he had the toughest time of all. But we decided at bedtime that we were done with that game, and wouldn't be sad anymore. Sure enough, Karl was his usual chipper self the next morning, and the rest of us have recovered too (but I don't think I'll be watching the Super Bowl).

1 comment:

Megan Meissner said...

Take Karl's sadness and multiply it by 10 and you'll have Steve's level of sadness. Maybe I should try to have that "we won't be sad about this game anymore" talk with Steve.