Monday, January 4, 2010

Meeting Kathryn

On Saturday, Laura and Karl got to meet their newest cousin, Kathryn, since Steve and Megan are visiting from South Dakota.

Now the set of Meissner grandkids is complete (at least that's what we're all thinking...)! Nathan, Emily, Laura, Aly, Karl, and Kathryn

Karl was very excited to play his guitar for everyone, especially Steve and Tanya, because he knows they had the same teacher for their guitar lessons.


Laura played her contest piece for everyone (piano contest is coming up at the end of January).

All the cousins were quite helpful when Nathan was opening his Christmas gifts.

That night, we went swimming at the hotel pool where Tanya, Jeff, and the girls were staying (they spent the night in North Branch since they would be coming right back the next day).


Laura knows how lovely it is to sit by the pool and read.

Jeff kept the kids entertained.

The next day, there was an open house at church so everyone else could meet Kathryn, too. Matt and Steve rigged up a TV so no one would miss the big Vikings game!

The kids had fun playing hide-and-seek, school, and running around the church. (Laura was the teacher for a while, and this was the worksheet she made: "Alphabetize these words: 'Laura Meissner is awesome.' Answer: awesome, is, Laura, Meissner"). Here, Karl and Nathan had fun just jumping up and down.

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