Monday, March 29, 2010

Matt's Birthday Weekend

Poor Matt had to get up early on his birthday on Friday to have his birthday doughnuts and carmel rolls before the kids left for school. But this super cool mug the kids gave him totally made it worth it!

Luckily for Matt, it was also a short school day and the school carnival on his birthday. He got to take the kids while I was working there. Here's Karl doing some minnow-racing.

Both kids always go for the crazy hair booth.



Pam and Fred met us there and took over so we could actually go out. Laura and Karl stayed overnight with them, so we also got to sleep late. The house was eerily quiet when we woke up (at 9).

Then Pam and Fred took the kids to Como Park with Aly and Emily, so we got the whole day to ourselves!

1 comment:

Jason and Angie said...

The carnival actually looks like it would be a lot of fun--minnow racing and silly hair--how cool!

How nice that Matt would share his birthday with the carnival and Lenten season. :) What a guy!