Laura went as a turtle. Karl was a bottle of ketchup.

We started out at a "trunk-or-treat" event at their church. Here's Aly, Emily, Laura and Karl. At one trunk, a woman dressed in scrubs was offering "candy or hand sanitizer." Laura told her she'd rather have hand sanitizer than candy. And she was serious.

Cowgirl Emily

Karl found a baby!

On Wednesday, we celebrated Halloween at our house. How cute are these trick-or-treaters?

Little Adam was a puppy dog, probably because he really does love puppy dogs!

Angie brought this fancy cheese ball. Much better than what Matt texted me earlier in the day: "Angie said she will bring a pumpkin ball spongecake."

Out in the 'hood, gettin' the goods.

After they got back, Justin promptly parked in this chair and methodically started chowing down. That's the spirit!

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