Sunday, September 13, 2009

Target Book Festival and Children's Theatre

Every year we meet Angie and Jason at the Target Book Festival at the park reserve in Bloomington, where the kids always have tons of fun listening to the live music, jumping in the inflatable bouncers, checking out the different booths, and of course shopping for books in the big merch tent.

This is Karl doing the "robot dance."

more dancing

Highland Park also has a huge play area, so after the kids wore themselves out dancing to Choo Choo Soul, we headed over for more playing on the playground. We went back near the stage in time to hear Justin Roberts play, and at this point the kids were seriously subdued.

Karl was too tired to get up and dance, so he just danced in his seat.

And then, because I was crazy and ordered the tickets before I knew when the book festival was, we ate a quick dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with the Elliotts (note to self: Karl and Colin should never sit next to each other in restaurants. It was not a peaceful dinner.), and then we went to a 7:30 p.m. performance of "Bert and Ernie Goodnight!" at the Children's Theatre in Minneapolis. The kids laughed nonstop, while I just tried to keep my eyes open.

I wasn't sure how the day would go, but the kids were troopers. They were certainly ready for bed by the time we got home!


Jason and Angie said...

Karl, you are a great dancer. Those are some serious sweet moves!

Megan Meissner said...

That's it. Karl is definitely going to have to give Uncle Steve some dance lessons next time we're back.