Friday, January 7, 2011

The Benefits of Being a Working Girl, or, Meet My New Baby

I've discovered that wonderful things happen now that I have a job. On the days I work, I don't have to worry about dinner or laundry. I get to use the skills I learned from my spendy St. Olaf education, and I can say at the end of my work day that I've actually made people's lives better.

But the best thing so far? I finally got to get rid of the Malibu and buy a nice new car, without feeling guilty about it! On Monday, we headed down to St. Louis Park to pick up my new VW Passat! Karl was a little sad because he didn't want to leave our old car behind, but once they drove it into the showroom and Karl got see it up close, he was ok. We bought the Malibu when I was pregnant with Laura, and I have to say it was just a tiny bit hard to get rid of the car I brought both my babies home from the hospital in, but I got over it pretty quickly. Fahrvergnügen!



Megan Meissner said...

Love the new ride!

Jason and Angie said...

What a posh looking Passat. Now that is how you Roll!