In the past week, Karl has lost both of his front top teeth. Unfortunately, he lost the second one last night while he was eating pizza, and promptly swallowed it. Oops. He was quite disappointed, because he had grand plans to save all of his baby teeth (against the strong wishes of his mother--gross), and now his collection will be missing one. He was so angry that he just said, "forget it" to all the tooth fairy business, but he was happy nonetheless to find a dollar bill under his pillow this morning. When I asked him if the Tooth Fairy came, he said, "no, but the Tummy Tooth Fairy did!" The Tummy Tooth Fairy apparently has the magical powers of retrieving teeth from kids' bellies who accidentally swallow their teeth. Yuck again. Oh well, Karl has an adorable toothy grin right now, but it won't last long because the permanent ones are already making their way through!

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