I asked my dad what he wanted for Father's Day and he said, "handkerchiefs." I asked Matt and he said, "to not have to host Father's Day." So shopping was tough since I didn't have much to go on this year (although I did happen to find handkerchiefs to go with my dad's gift, so at least he was happy!).
Here's Matt relaxing before he has to get grilling. Mike, Jennifer, and Connie anxiously await the tasty burgers.

Oooh, Dad doesn't yet realize how happy he's going to be to open his present and find a package of handkerchiefs!

Thank you, Lamiae, for bringing your famous baked beans!

Jim even got to come over for a little while before heading off to work.

After Laura played a piece on the piano for everyone, Bryan had a good time remembering his coronet playing. "Frankie and Johnny were lovers..."

I hope all the fathers out there had a great day!
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