The second piece, "Jack and the Beanstalk," required a microphone because Laura insisted on singing the words while playing. The music steadily moves up octaves, and so did Laura's voice! Laura used to play this piece upon request for anyone who would listen because she thought it was so funny, but I don't think she'll ever play it again after today because she's so tired of it now...

You can watch Laura's performance right here!
Laura and her teacher, Elise Rieke. Laura is not usually this serious at piano lessons (usually she's smiley when it's piano lesson time), but I think her patience for pictures had worn out by this point.

We went out to eat at the Village Inn afterwards. Karl was soaking up some attention from Grandma and Grandpa while we waited for our table.

Steve said you have the next Mariah Carey on your hands!
Hi, How we loved listening to Laura play the piano and sing along too. It was such a treat. What a talented performer she is. I'm so glad she is caring on the tradition of her mom and aunt.
Love, Grandma and Grandpa
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