Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time to Fly 5k

We drove through heavy rain to get to Harriet Island in St. Paul this morning so I could run a 5k race with Mike, Angie, and Jason to benefit children's cancer research. Laura, Karl, and Colin ran the kids' 1k race. Luckily the rain stopped just before our race began, so we had great running weather and a nice course. I ran a personal best of 26:15!

All the runners: Mike, Jason, me, Angie, Laura, Karl, and Colin.

Mike and I coming in for a big finish!

Angie and Jason were right behind us the whole way, so we all finished together.

Soon it was time for the kids' race. Laura's off to a strong start as she waves to her fans.

Karl heads to the finish line...

...with Colin not far behind!

Laura is happy that the finish line is near so she can fix her crooked shorts! Actually, she was happy that she is healthy and strong enough to even run a 1k, but a little push from her mother never hurts either...

Running is hard work! The kids were much more subdued after their race.

Laura was delighted to find books at the finish line, even if they were just picture books written by "Dr. Bob" in the style of Dr. Seuss. She'd been waiting to sit down and read all morning!

Thanks, Matt, for taking all the pictures!

1 comment:

Megan Meissner said...

You all are some die hard runners. There has to be something really scary chasing me in order for me to run.