First we met for brunch at the Purple Hawk. Laura was in "food heaven" because they had multiple maple-syrup foods, PLUS pumpkin pie! She had to lean on Opa after such a huge meal.

Then it was off for some playing at Oma and Opa's

We tried several times to get a good picture of all five kids, but either Nathan wouldn't cooperate or Laura had a sourpuss face (hmmm, the oldest and youngest were the problem picture takers; interesting). Here's the best one we could muster without Nathan.

And here's a cute one of Nathan by himself.

Today Steve and Nathan came over to spend some quality time in the sandbox.

And since it had to be at least 60°, we ate lunch on the deck! (Yes, not only do we have drought conditions, but it's also cold.)

Hope you start feeling better soon, Megan!
It's amazing how much better I began feeling after Steve and Nathan left. Maybe it's not the pregnancy that makes me nauseous! Hmmmm.
Also, it looks like Steve's been dressing Nathan. Apparently he can't tell the difference between daytime clothes and night-nights.
I thought that looked like a pajama top! I just figured, well, single dad and all...
Matt just told me that it was the only long-sleeved shirt he could find for our lovely June weather :)
I meant to say it was the only shirt Steve could find.
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