This year I ran with Jason, Angie, and Mike. I was very nervous going into this one because I've been sick and haven't been able to run much this month, and it always takes every ounce of athleticism I have to keep up with these three. It was a tough race for me, but every year I've somehow run it faster, so I must be doing something right!
Jason, Angie, Me, Mike

This was our cheering section: Lamiae (holding Baby Justin) and Matt with Colin, Laura, and Karl.

Matt was glad to have Lamiae around to help him watch the kids during the race, especially since Karl and Colin cannot help but wrestle whenever they are together.

They worked out a deal where Lamiae would be in charge of Justin, and Matt would watch the other three. Lamiae thought she had the easy job until Justin started crying as soon as the race started!

He quickly settled down though, and was fast asleep in her arms when we finished running.

Here come Jason and Mike!

And here comes Angie (with some random guy)!

And here I come, so glad the finish is in sight!

The kids are very good about waiting hours before actually getting to do anything at the fair, but this is how we've always done it, so they don't know any other way. I wonder if they realize that other kids don't have to sit through an early morning race just to visit the fair. I think one day they'll learn to love the Milk Run, especially when they get to run in it!
Here they are after the race, waiting for people to drop stuff off at the car, before we can FINALLY have some fun.

After the Sky Ride, we went to the Giant Slide. Laura worked up the courage to do it for the first time this year and she loved it! The little person you see coming down the slide here is Karl:

The first fair food we bought was mini doughnuts.

Then it was off to the rides!

Look how brave Laura is!

This was Matt's favorite ride because he like the mermaid.

This is what the fair looked like as we tried to navigate around with two kids (who are too big for strollers so we had nothing with which to push our way through!).

We stopped at the education building to look at Cousin Aly's award winning artwork (it's the picture of the girl with a blue ribbon attached)!

One of highlights of the fair for Laura is the pancake on a stick, served with all the maple syrup you can eat!

Whew! What a day! Good thing we only go to the fair once a year!
1 comment:
I love all of your family traditions.
It doesn't look like Karl shares Laura's love for pancakes on a stick, according to the last picture. Look at his face!
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