Can you see the little turtles lined up on the log, basking in the sun?

Karl got ahold of the camera for awhile. This was one of his pictures.

On the Monorail (Laura had been waiting all day for this!)

Holding Justin is a great way to get my baby fix.

Karl rides a fish at the playground while Baby Justin gets some lunch.

This was a big draw at the playground at the zoo: a giant mosquito.

Karl and Colin in the giant spiderweb.

We decided to get a snack before we headed home, and Karl insisted on getting this giant lollipop. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea...

What a great day, the kids were extremely easy to put to bed tonight as they were definitely worn out from all the fun.
It was a great day, although Karl was still awake as of 15 minutes ago (10!), so we were not so lucky with the sleep thing.
If you're having a baby craving sometime around Nov. 29, feel free to come out to SD and stay for as long as you want. I'm guessing you would have your fill after the first day.
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