Monday, August 31, 2009

Laura's Day with Oma

As a last hurrah of summer vacation, Pam offered to take each of the kids out for a special day. When she asked Laura what she would like to do today, or where she would like to go, her only response was "a bookstore." Ok, easy enough! After breakfast today, they went to the Mall of America, and lucky for Laura, she got to go to more than just a bookstore.

On the way, Laura read in the car, as she always does for car trips longer than 2 minutes.

Laura is always right at home in the middle of a Barnes & Noble.

Then they went to Build-a-Bear, where Laura got to bring home a new pink unicorn named "Star."

And you can't go to the Mall of America without stopping at the American Girl Store, where Laura picked up a new pet cat for her dolls.

Whenever Laura is with one her grandparents, she makes them take her to lunch at Burger King (since her parents won't go there).

Laura capped off her fun day with an ice cream bar. After all that fun, Laura said she had enough excitement and came home.

Tomorrow is Karl's big day with Oma, so stay tuned for the next update!

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